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Breeds of Livestock

A stout, fluffy White Suffolk sheep standing in the grass.Beginning in 1977 Dr. Ewan Roberts of the University of N.S.W. Australia started a breeding program to develop a terminal sire breed of sheep. His goals were to have a breed with the confirmation, structure and growth of the Suffolk but with a white head and legs.


The initial cross was between Suffolk and Polled Dorset and separately Suffolk crossed with Border Leicester. The F2 and subsequent generations were selected against black points and for increased gain.


The Australian White Suffolk Association was established in 1986.


The White Suffolk has similar features to the Suffolk, however, instead of dark points the White Suffolk has a white face and legs.


Three stout White Suffolk sheep standing in a grass pasture.The objectives of the Association are to develop the White Suffolk in accordance with the aims of the Suffolk breed. That is, encouraging traits, such as less fat, larger carcasses, good conformation and fast growth.




Handbook of Australian Livestock, Australian Meat & Livestock Corporation,1989, 3rd Edition


Australian White Suffolk Association Inc., Showgrounds, Wayville S.A. 5053, P.O. Box 108 Goodwood S.A. 5034, Australia, Phone: (08) 8210 5211 Fax: (08) 8231 4173